Wednesday 26 January 2011

My very first post :)

Hello bloggers!

Welcome to my official blog :) this has been created for my Media Studies AS Level Coursework, which is based on the magazine that I will be producing throughout this course. I will be updating my blog regularly, posting various things in relation to the magazine, and how I went about creating it.

Last week, during the 17th - 21st January, my class and I were given a task of working in pairs, and creating a PowerPoint Presentation based on a current magazine, which were assigned beforehand by our teachers. My partner and I were allocated MOJO magazine, which to be honest, I had never heard of before. Therefore, I saw it as a challenge as I had to research deeply on something which I had no knowledge about whatsoever. There were different aspects of the magazine which we had to explore on and analyse, so to make it easier for us, my partner and I split the bullet points given amongst us.

Finally, once we had all the information we needed, we then transferred this onto a PowerPoint document, and made some minor adjustments. Then, on Friday 21st January, we presented this to the rest of the class, as well as to our teachers.

Overall, I found this task interesting as I learnt a lot and gained more knowledge, not just about MOJO magazine, but also about other magazines in general, by watching my peers' presentations. I am now familiar with a variety of different techniques used within magazines, in order to attract attention from the audience. For example, by having a specific colour scheme on the front cover, contents page, and sometimes on a double page spread as well. I found that the colours black, white and red are very popular with magazines. This may be because all three colours are eye catching and attract attention immediately.

This task has helped me to form an idea of what I would want my magazine to look like, and what should be involved within it. However, I will still need to do further research in order to get the best possible outcome in the end.

The PowerPoint I created is available above.